Keep Fighting!

#007 / 2024-04-22 / 18:34 NTZ

And what that really means.

The work on Megablock 1 is grueling. I'm scaffolding, which means I spend my day dozens of meters above the ground, held up by nothing but my wish to see the next day and my team's comradery. After moving heavy metal left and right, up and down in the scorching heat for half a day, the midday breaks are a welcome respite. And greatly needed to replenish enough to get back out. That means, rehydrating, recaloring, and resting. But not only the body needs nourishment - the mind and soul need it just as much, if not more.

The corporations already own every resource, natural or human, on every world under the countless suns we've reached. So the only beauty left to commoditize, the only wealth left to accrue, and the only space left to conquer is the inner space - our minds and souls. They want it and badly! Whether it's the digicorps invading every waking and dreaming moment of your life to make you desire wares and experiences you can never afford, AEON opening the door to that world for the low-low price of decades of your literal lifetime, your govcorp pressuring you into compliance with an all encompassing social scoring system, or Helix and other space farers making you sell your remaining life's workforce just to leave this misery behind and ship out to the stars. They want you lock, stock, and barrel; body, mind, and soul.

So when I say "keep fighting", I don't say "go out and put a bullet through Saburo Arasaka's head" - although, if you want to, I'm surely not stopping you; Godspeed comrade - I say, "fight to keep a piece of yourself for yourself". The one dream not dreamed up by a marketing department, the one thought that didn't get to you through the net, and - most importantly - the hope for a better life. Because it is possible. And when don't let them divide us, when we focus on what connects us, when we're together, we can make it happen. A brighter future for all of us.

And for us to get there... keep fighting.

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